Sindhuli: President Vidyadevi Bhandari has inaugurated the Sindhuligadhi War Museum. The museum was inaugurated by President Bhandari on Wednesday morning.
The war museum in historic Sindhuligadhi houses materials commemorating the battle between the Bir Gurkha army and the British army in Bikram Samvat 1824 BS. At that time, the Gurkha army had defeated the British army of the East India Company.
The museum’s digital board enlists the names of heroic warriors, and the 6,281-square-foot museum houses all of the war’s endangered materials. Sagar Dhakal, a researcher from Sindhuligadhi, said that the wartime weapons and documents kept in the six-room museum would further help in the search for history. “This museum and the Sindhuligadhi complex will now be a place of study for explorers and inquirers,” he said.
