Kathmandu: The Saune Sankranti festival (1st of Shrwan Month), which is celebrated every year on the July according to the solar month, is being celebrated all over the country today, Friday, with baths, donations and gathering of relatives. There is an ancient tradition of celebrating ‘Saune Sankranti’ on the first day when the Sun enters Cancer after completing Gemini.
Since the sun has been moving south since July, the southward movement starts from today. The days of Uttarayan starting on January and Dakshinayan starting on July are specially celebrated. Since most Nepalis are engaged in farming, they are engaged in agriculture throughout the month of July. In that process, lotus was thrown to cure skin diseases caused by mud. Ram Chandra Gautam said.

A farmer who works for a month celebrates the 1st of sharwan by having fun with his relatives. According to the tradition, Kagbhalayo, Kukardino, Lutejhar, Paniamala, Lemon, Mango, Pear etc. are also used as medicinal plants.
According to one’s own tradition, it is customary in Nepali society to knock on the door, blow conch shells, ring bells and close doors. The month of July is specially celebrated by worshiping Lord Shiva. Chairman Gautam also said that the women were shown being close to nature by wearing clothes including green bangles.

During the month of July, Shivalayas all over the country, especially the Pashupatinath temple, have a special crowd of devotees. The month of July is called Shivaji’s and Monday is called Shiva’s day. Therefore, there is a special crowd of devotees at the Shivalaya in July and Monday.

Due to the infection with the new variant of corona virus this year, it is not easy to go to relatives. That is why many are celebrating at home with family members. It has been emphasized that the festival should be celebrated by maintaining physical distance by adopting the method of health security if the vehicle has to be opened.