Hetunda May 20 : Voting is scheduled for the vacant National Assembly by-election in Bagmati today.
Voting is taking place on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
All preparations for peace, security, health security standards and other arrangements have been completed for holding the by-elections in a clean, free, dignified and credible manner.
According to the spokesperson of the commission, Raj Kumar Shrestha, there are 348 voters including 110 members of the Bagmati Provincial Assembly and 238 village chairpersons and vice-chairpersons and chiefs and deputy chiefs of the municipalities.
It has been informed that the commission is committed and working to make the election free and fair according to the first-past-the-post system of the electorate.
The commission has requested all voters to participate in the polls.
According to the election code of conduct for election purposes, the silence period has already started after 12 noon on May 18.
It has been stated that action can be taken against the person or organization who acts against the election code of conduct and records will be kept of those who act against the code of conduct.
Provision has been made for voting in the by-elections by showing the documents including voter identity card, citizenship or national identity card issued in the previous election.
Voters whose names are included in the final voter list of the constituency will also be able to cast their vote on the basis of the certificate of election as a member of the Provincial Assembly, Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Village Municipality and Chief or Deputy Chief of the Municipality.
Spokesperson of the commission Shrestha said that voting can be done on the basis of voter identity card, citizenship certificate and national identity card issued by the commission in the local level election, election to the House of Representatives and state assembly and by-election in 2076 BS.
The commission has also instructed the concerned election officer to make arrangements to ensure that the final voter list details of the constituency can be cast.
The Lumbini National Assembly by-election will be held on May 30.