Chitwan, Sept 23 :
Bharatpur COVID-19 Lab operated by Bharatpur Hospital has been closed from Tuesday after reagent of PCR test ran out of stock.
With this, samples collected in the lab for the test are being sent to Kathmandu. Lab chief Dr Nitu Adhikari said that the lab stopped to carry out PCR test after reagent for the same ran out of stock on Monday. Adhikari shared that 325 samples have been sent at National Public Health Lab, Teku , on Tuesday.
She further said that they have been searching the reagent at Ministry of Health and Population, Public Health Labs as well as other labs. Chitwan Medical College and BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital have been carrying out PCR test taking charge in the district.
However, Bharatpur Lab has been carrying out PCR test free of cost. The Bharatpur Lab has already carried out over 25,000 PCR test.