Kathmandu, Oct. 8: The Ministry of Health and Population on Thursday confirmed 12 new COVID-19 related deaths.
A total of 12 persons, four females and eight males, succumbed to the novel coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours, revealed the daily report released by the MoHP today.
A 39-year-old male of Sunsari, a 70-year-old male of Dhanusa, a 79-year-old female and two males aged 58 and 91 of Kathmandu, a 73-yer-old female of Lalitpur, an 82-year-old female of Bhaktapur, three males two aged 81 and one aged 92 of Chitwan, an 83-year-old male of Kaski and an 82-year-old female of Surkhet died while receiving treatment at various health facilities across the nation.
With this, Nepal’s COVID-19 death toll has reached 590 and the death rate stands at 0.60 per cent.