Kathmandu: In the last 24 hours 1,271 people have been confirmed infected with the corona virus.
According to the Ministry of Health and Population, 8,898 PCR tests confirmed 1,058 and 3,046 antigen tests tested positive for 2,37 people, including 2,133.
In the last 24 hours, 1,845 people have been recovered and 14 have died from corona virus infection.
With the addition on Thursday, the total number of corona virus infections in Nepal has reached 774,587. Out of them, 10,903 people have died and 7 35006 have become infection free.
According to the ministry, there are currently 28,678 active infected people across the country. Out of which 26886 are in home isolation and 1792 are in institutional isolation. Of the corona virus patients, 458 are being treated in the ICU and 139 in the ventilator.
Similarly, corona virus infection has been confirmed in 32 children under the age of 10 and coronavirus infection in 105 people in the age group of 11 to 20 years, according to the ministry.
How many infected people were added in which district?
According to the Ministry of Health and Population, corona virus infection has been confirmed in 329 people in Kathmandu.
Similarly, corona virus infection has been confirmed in 77 people in Morang, 76 people in Jhapa, 75 people in Sunsari, 67 people in Lalitpur, 52 people in Kaski, 40 people in Chitwan, 37 people in Bhaktapur, 30 people in Rupandehi and 24 people in Kailali.
According to the Ministry of Health and Population, 16 people have been infected in Makwanpur, 13 in Siraha and Gorkha, 12 in Surkhet, 11 in Nawalparasi East and 10/10 in Baglung and Banke.