Kathmandu : Media experts and educators have stressed the need of incorporating inclusion in the media curriculum of university. At an interaction organized by Jagaran Media Centre on ‘Inclusion in University Journalism Education’ on Monday, the speakers pointed out the need of policy reform, including research and issues of inclusion.
Chief of journalism and mass communication at Tribhuvan University, Chiranjivi Khanal, admitted that although TU had included some of the issues, it was not adequate in terms of inclusion. The curriculum could be made more inclusive based on thorough discussion and research. Similarly, chair of journalism committee of Purvanchal University, Dr Suresh Acharya, informed that additional research and foundation were required to add issues of inclusion in the university curriculum.
Chief of media studies at Kathmandu University, Dr Sudhamshu Dahal, shared that physical participation of marginalized community in university could help incorporate their issues in curriculum. Researcher JB Bishwokarma stressed that university curriculum need to made inclusive as per changed context. From both viewpoints of participation and contents, media should be inclusive, said chair of Jagaran Media Centre, Kamala Bishwokarma.