After the dissolution of the House of Representatives for the second time, a political and constitutional crisis has arisen in the country. Especially due to the dispute within the CPN-UML, various activities including the formation of the government have been affected. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has issued an internal order to retain the post of Prime Minister and UML Chairman KP Sharma Olid faction, saying that the action against the 4 members of the Karnali province Assembly was illegal taken by the Central Committee of the 10th General Convention Organizing Committee . In this case, Rajan Sharma asked the expelled UML standing committee member Dr. Bhim Rawal . Based on a conversation with Bhim Rawal.
Party chairman KP Sharma Oli had called for party unity with a six-point letter. They have called it unity fraud and have put forward proposals again. Now how are these proposals addressed in a concrete way?

KP Oliji had violated the party’s constitution and system. The Supreme Court has certainly set a precedent by overturning such decisions. He dissolves the House of Representatives himself, violates the constitution and stays in the government. At present, the court has only issued an interim order. The full text is yet to come. We have to take steps keeping all these things in mind. We have invested and sacrificed a lot in party building. However, KP Oliji has no interest in the nation, political values and beliefs. If Prime Minister Oli and the leaders close to him are committed with body, mind and word to follow the party, the constitution and the constitution, then something can be thought of. Nothing happens with a lip service. There will be no immediate dramatic change.
In the name of CPN-UML party unity or restructuring, party chairman Oli’s expression shows pride and arrogance. Here, some people from the Nepal side are also being brought closer, in the name of second generation talks. Due to the protocol, some leaders could not become ministers.
This government has reached the stage of self-operation. The Prime Minister himself has spoken of dissolving the House of Representatives and going to the polls. He has made the all people of the country and the world laugh. He expanded the Council of Ministers to make people laugh.
Now that he has met with the spies. Thirteen ministers from Province No. 2, who burned the constitution. He is trying to make a living by climbing the ladder like Rajendra Mahato. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. There is no choice but to express sorrow and regret over these actions.
After the Supreme Court’s decision on 23 Phagun 2077 BS , the CPN-UML has revived and they have rejoined the alliance. He has formed the government with the party chairman JSP. Where is the UML unity going?
The decision of the Supreme Court in the Civil Ordinance is in the interest of Nepal. Democracy is not governed by ordinances. It is mentioned in the constitution and policy that it should have politics and system that is accountable to the people. Oli’s Politics has been seen to please Mahantha and Rajendra. I don’t know if Prime Minister KP Sharma Oliji is bothering to understand that. What is the citizenship of distribution under the ordinance? At the present juncture of the government, I have a question for the Supreme Court in resolving the dispute. Now, no matter how stubborn and arrogant the leaders are, such rulers have been ousted by the people. Our party Chairman KP Oliji should not have to face such a situation.
Now KP Oliji has to realize that he has acted against the constitution. According to the Ninth National Convention of the UML, if all the organizations are to be fully run as per the 2nd Jesth 2075 BS , and run according to the party constitution and principles, then party unity can be thought of, otherwise such regressive activities would not be possible. Till yesterday, a road was being dug up to Lipulek on the Mahakali River in Dachurla district. Was tearing from the motherland. The oli government did not talk about this either. The current government is just playing tricks. By appointing 11 ministers, the mandate has been insulted, democracy has been ridiculed and politics has been distorted. Now that the Prime Minister has brought what ever work is underway to get it passed by the President. The alliance between the president and the prime minister has weakened the constitution and the law.
We have the idea that our neighbors should be on par with China and India. What do you say about the Communist Party’s dispute resolution in Nepal and the influence of neighboring countries in various activities?
Leaders elected by the people of today should be able to keep Nepal between China and India independent. What did India do to defend its country? Nepal was not under anyone’s control. There is no information that the Chinese Communist Party has done anything to the Communist Party of Nepal. As we have seen, the last time so many meetings was at the Indian Embassy. Now the Chinese ambassadors are also mets with different leaders frequently. So we did not run our own house independently. We went to work to appease outside interference. China has always supported Nepal’s sovereignty and independence.
The Supreme Court has issued an interim order to retain the Karnali MPs. In such a situation, what happens when there is a possible unity of the CPN-UML? What happens if there is no unity?
Interim orders alone are not the answer. If KP Oli and his close friends are ready for the whole UML from the point of view of 2nd Jesth, 2075, it will be hasty if something can be done or if something is done by predicting. This will not change anything dramatically immediately. Not by lip service. But if Oli is ready with body, mind and word, we go with a lot of advice. It is a matter of the nation’s identity, achievements and law and order.