Baitadi, Nov 19
Productions of major crops surged in Baitadi district this year. According to Agriculture Knowledge Centre in Baitadi, the food crops’ production rose this year as compared to the previous year.
This year maize output was 20,159 tonnes against the 19,764 tonnes of the last year, Acting Chief of Centre Karna Bahadur Chand said. Maize farming is done in 12,300 hectares of land in the district. Likewise, the district witnessed rise in paddy output this year. It is said that a total of 18,049 metric tonnes of paddy was harvested from 9,000 hectares of land. The paddy production this year has increased by almost 1,000 tonnes than the previous year.
The Centre stated that use of improved seeds resulted in good output of maize and paddy. However, legume’s output has decreased in the district this year. “Excessive rainfall was the result behind the reduced output of legumes this year,” Chand said.