Morang, Oct 23 (
Two people have died of coronavirus infection in Biratnagar of Morang district today. The casualties include a man and a woman from Morang and Sunsari districts.
They died this morning while under treatment at the Nobel Teaching Hospital, Biratnagar. Hospital’s administration chief Narayan Dahal said 42-year-old man from Belbari Municipality-11 was suffering from lungs and kidney ailment. He tested positive for coronavirus on October 21 and was kept in isolation ward.
Similarly, the 59-year-old woman from Dharan Sub-metropolitan City-8 had been hospitalised on October 15 and she tested positive for coronavirus the same day. She was suffering from respiratory disease and diabetes. Province government minister infected Meanwhile, Province no 1 government’s Minister for Internal Affairs and Law, Hikmat Kumar Karki has contracted coronavirus infection.
His private secretary Rabi Khanal said Minister Karki, who was under contact tracing, had given his swab for testing on Thursday and the infection was confirmed in him today. The Minister was suffering from cough and cold since few days. Now he is in isolation at his home in Biratnagar. His health condition is normal.
Khanal himself has tested positive for coronavirus and he is staying in isolation at his house in Dharan, Sunsari. He is also in normal health.