Maximum of the articles related to Karl Marx or Lenin have been prepared on the then disputes with Prudhoe, Bakunin, Karl Kautsche , Bernstein and Plekhanov. It became a tradition to make a program of Nepal Communist party on the ground of these articles since the inception of Nepal Communist Party by Pushpa Lal. We can easily understand the underlying compulsion to rely on those articles as no proper study of Nepalese society had so far been made and there a key to anyhow overthrow feudalism from Nepalese society was the need of time. But this time we have dozens of our own thought and output like a heap of hills needed for the program of Nepalese revolution of hills. We don’t need to rely and copy the old articles, documents and books.

During the ninetieth and twentieth centuries, there had been a debate, competition, and practice whether people had to struggle against capitalist dictatorship or proletarian dictatorship and there had been a condition before capitalists and communists to forge an alliance to fight against fascism. Among the communist’s parties and their kingdoms founded amidst the maze of the first and the second world wars, the Soviet Union, despite being an issue of the history, has been proving itself as a powerful country and an alternative world system. Among them, China Communist Party, in Lenin’s word, completed the Chinese revolution making concrete analysis of the concrete conditions. The leadership of China that came to power on the legacy of chairman Mao Ze Dong is heading towards the path of being world power not seeking China’s future on Mao’s works/articles but initiating their own original thought to make China stand on the contemporary world situation. Moreover, It would not be otherwise to consider China as a compulsory text that has compelled socialists across the world to think newly and creatively.

Madan Bhandari’s thought that insisted on the adoption of multiparty competition to safeguard communist movement during 1989 was absolutely original thought as the necessity to dissolve constituent assembly held after the accomplishment of the Russian revolution. Moreover, the thought of long-term people’s war that Prachanda adopted to teach lesson to capitalist after the murder of Madan Bhandari in 1995 compelled was the other original Nepalese style to fight against enemy.
Karl Marx had interpreted the dissolution of the state and equality including statelessness in his forward of the second edition of his book ‘Communist party’ published in 1872. Likewise, the then compulsion of Maoist leadership to launch ideological attack against other communist parties for tactical shrewdness during their ten-year long people’s war in Nepal can’t be appropriate to translate as their defeat comparing with present day context.
The then Russia had set its name, All Russian Social democratic party instead of Russian Communist Party for one year and it was changed into Russian Communist Party in Party’s sixth general convention. Lenin had accomplished Russian Revolution keeping the then power balance under his control amidst 20 yearlong ideological, military foolishness, application, and ups and downs from 1897 to 1917. Lenin himself had no ready-made concept of the way to accomplish Russian Revolution. He had to accomplish it at any cost but he did not have to cling on any formula. Consequently, the Russian Revolution succeeded in its third blow after the application of two blows in 1905 and 1914 and this can be best example for Nepal to view and analyze the tactics initiated by Pushpa Lal, thought presented by Madan Bhandari, and the blow of revolution applied by Prachanda in a single tune. After all we can view Nepal Communist Party’s present dilemma and uncertain to follow the course after its dominance in Nepalese politics as Russian leaders also had faced the same problem immediately after the completion of Russian Revolution. Lenin had absolute scarcity of reference materials whereas, Oli and Prachanda had abundant reference materials. The main problem that we can realize in both leaders is their dilemma in selecting an appropriate resource from among multitude of reference materials.