Chitwan, Aug 10
In view of increasing risk of COVID-19, Bharatpur metropolis mayor Renu Dahal has urged the public to adopt security alertness with high will power.
In an appeal today, she said the battle against the coronavirus can be possible only by adopting higher security alerts.
“As the coronavirus infection was rife within the metropolis area I urged the city dwellers to change their lifestyles to contain the fear stemming from virus outbreak”. The mayor also informed the metropolis would arrange PCR testing of suspects and also gradually at the community level and also intensify treatment of the patients and isolation management.
As informed the coronavirus infection is alarmingly increasing at wards 1, 10 and 15 of the metropolis. People serving the banks and police post have also contracted with the virus at Bharatpur of late.
Mayor Dahal appealed to all to join hands in the collective fight against coronavirus.
She also stressed the need to enhance coordination with Bharatpur hospital and other health facilities in metropolitan city area.