The House of Representatives on Tuesday unanimously endorsed a proposal to consider the constitution amendment bill to pave way for replacing Nepal’s map in the national emblem with the country’s new political and administrative map which includes Kalapani, Lipu Lekh and Limpiyadhura.
Apart from the ruling Nepal Communist Party, the main opposition party Nepali Congress and Madhes-based parties also backed the proposal to consider the constitution amendment bill.
The government’s bid to bring amendment in Nepal’s political map in the national emblem now has officially moved forward after the endorsement of the lower house.
Lawmakers will now get 72 hours time to bring amendments, if any, within that the amendment bill endorsed by the House.
As this is just formalities as per the parliamentary regulation, the unanimous endorsement of the lower house will now pave way for the government expedite the process to replace new political map in Nepal’s national emblem.
Prior to the endorsement, lawmakers from the lower house had taken part in the theoretical discussions on the amendemnt bill. The main opposition party, Nepali Congress (NC), had announced to support to the constitution amendment bill. Similarly, Madhes-based Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) also extended its support to the amendment bill.
NC Chief Whip Bal Krishna Khand said the party’s Central Working Committee (CWC) meeting had decided to vote in favor of the constitution amendment bill that includes Kalapani, Lipu Lekh and Limpiyadhura in Nepal’s political map. Addressing the House meeting, JSP lawmaker Rajendra Shrestha said his party always stands for sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
Speaking on the occasion, Law Minister Tumbahangphe expressed happiness that all political parties had stood united on the issue of the country’s territorial integrity. She also announced that Nepal will get back the territories encroached by India and govern those territories belonging to Nepal.
On May 30, Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shivamaya Tumbahangphe had tabled the bill for discussions at parliament in a bid to amend Nepal’s constitution to update the country’s map.
Three weeks ago, Law Minister Tumbahamphe had registered the constitution amendment bill at parliament after the government introduced a new political map that includes Kalapani, Lipu Lekh and Limpiyadhura.
The amendment bill seeks to amend the political map of Nepal included in Schedule 3 of the constitution. The new map will be used in all official documents including the coat of arms after the amendment bill is endorsed through parliament.
A Cabinet meeting held on May 18 had endorsed the new political map that includes Kalapani, Lipu Lekh, and Limpiyadhura that have been controlled by India since the 1960s. The Ministry of Land Management had officially made the new map public two days later.
It requires a two-thirds majority vote in parliament to endorse any constitution amendment bill. The government has already secured the required two-thirds majority votes in parliament after the main opposition party decided to extend its support to the amendment bill.