Kathmandu, June 20 : The ruling Communist Party of Nepal Secretariat meeting is taking place today. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar, according to the General secretary Bishnu Paudel .
According to the high level sources party this meeting have such agendas, [reparations for the June 24-25 standing committee meeting, the citizenship bill under consideration in the parliamentary committee, the proposal for endorsement of Millennium Challenge Corporation project, among others are the agenda for the meeting.
But the party majority Rank and file has already against the MCC as it is. But US embassy and main opposition party Chair Sher Bahadur Dueba are massively trying to endorse MCC from Parliament as soon as possible. interesting thing is MCC project itself decided until this month end if not ratify the Project bill, project agreement would be cancelled.