• 9 June, 2020 2:35 pm


Memo presented to US Ambassador for UN on Indian encroachment

-Suraj Bhandari In a bid to internationalize the issue of Indian encroachment of Nepali territory, the Non-Resident Nepalese Association Americas Region handed a memorandum to the US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft. The NRNA believed that the submission of the memorandum to the Ambassador of the US, the influential member of UN Security Council, would be of special importance. The memorandum submitted to the US Ambassador Kelly also included the recently-published national map Nepal with Limpiyadhura, shared NRBNA Americas Region Coordinator Rajan Tripathi. He further informed that the memorandum also included the supporting testimonials to reclaim Limpiyadhura, Lipulek and Kalapani areas as Nepal’s territory and a copy of one rupee coin reflecting Limpiyadhura in the map that Nepal prevailed in the practice in the past. In addition, an interaction through online medium was also held with the political adviser of Ambassador Kelly. —

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