China, June 25:
India’s nationalism is growing sharply following the India-instigated border clash in the Galwan Valley, and the Indian foreign ministry and media are still spreading misinformation about the incident. Chinese experts warn Indians’ boycotting Chinese products will bring no good to India.
China’s foreign and defense ministries on Wednesday both released statements detailing the China-India border clash, refuting misinformation from the Indian government and its media.
Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson of China’s Foreign Ministry, said at a routine daily press conference on Wednesday, “Since April this year, the Indian border troops have unilaterally built roads and bridges at the LAC (line of actual control) in the Galwan Valley. China has lodged representations and protests on multiple occasions.
Early on May 6, Indian border troops crossed the LAC by night and trespassed into China’s territory.”
Wu Qian, a spokesperson of China’s Defense Ministry, said at another routine press conference on Wednesday that under the efforts made by the Chinese side, and after communication through multiple channels, the two sides held a corps commander-level meeting on June 6, and both agreed to take concrete measures to ease tensions.
“The Indian side has promised not to cross the Galwan Valley to patrol and build facilities,” and the both sides have agreed to retreat their troops from the area, Wu said. “But it was shocking that Indian troops publicly violated the agreement, broke their own promise and crossed the LAC to provoke the Chinese side on June 15.”
“When Chinese military troops arrived to negotiate, they were suddenly attacked by Indian troops, and that led to a physical fight between the two sides and caused casualties,” Wu said.
Chinese troops took decisive measures in self-defense and firmly fought back against the violent acts by Indian troops to effectively safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Wu noted.
“The incident was caused by India’s violation of the agreement and unilateral provocation, and it occurred on the Chinese side of the LAC which is recognized by both sides. The Indian side should take full responsibility for causing the fight. China urges India to strictly punish the perpetrators of the incident, strictly control its troops on the frontline, and ensure similar incidents won’t take place again,” Wu stressed.