Month: July 2020

Twitter: Hack hit 130 accounts, company ’embarrassed’

Oakland (US), Jul 20 (AP) : Twitter says the hack that compromised the accounts of some

Jack Nicklaus says he tested positive for coronavirus

Dublin (US), Jul 20 (AP):  Jack Nicklaus has revealed during the CBS telecast of the

Messi wins record 7th scoring title in Spanish league

Vitoria (Spain), Jul 20 (AP):  Lionel Messi won a record seventh top scoring title in

Traffic along Narayangadh-Muglin road stretch disrupted again with landslide

Kathmandu July 20 : Traffic along the Narayangadh-Muglin road section has come to a halt

Incessant rain leaves government offices waterlogged

Kathmandu July 20 : Various government buildings along with dozens of private houses have been

Stray cattle management an uphill task for Nepalgunj

Kathmandu July 20 Management of cattle abandoned and released to the city area has become

NC distributes relief aid to landslide survivor in Tanahun

Kathmandu July 20: Nepali Congress (NC) central member and former minister Shanker Bhandari has distributed

Micro-hydel project construction comes to a final stage

Kathmandu july 20: The Chhipkhola micro hydropower project, under construction at Sisne rural municiplaity-2 in

Oath of Subarna Jwarchan

Kathmandu, July 19: Subarna Jwarchan of Nepali Congress has taken oath, as House of Representative

EU leaders meet for 3rd day on budget, coronavirus fund

Brussels, Jul 19 (AP):  Marathon European Union talks to agree an unprecedented 1.85 trillion-euro (

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